Five Tips To Organize Baby’s Closet
Your baby is precious. Everything about her, from her toes to, well, her clothes. But if your baby’s clothes closet is a bit chaotic, try these quick tips to restore order. You’ll be able to find her clothes faster and might find you have more space than you imagined for storing precious mementos and next season’s comfy, cozy outfits.
1. A Custom Job. With many companies today specializing in custom closet making, you can quickly take the angst out of organizing. You can work with an organizational expert to create a closet that meets your specific organizational needs. For the budget-conscious new mom, department stores, discount stores and craft stores all offer closet organizer shelves and accessories, so with a little bit of planning and some good research, you can create your own custom solution to closet organization.
2. Baskets, baskets, baskets. If your child’s bedroom closet is also a storage place for toys, consider baskets instead of open shelves. The baskets not only create a neater look within the closet, but it keeps toys out of sight from baby’s curious eyes so he can play with the toy at hand without visible distraction from other entertaining options.
3. A Treasure Chest of Memories. Start storing those special keepsake outfits and mementos in a treasure chest of memories that fits nicely on the shelf. Leaving the items loosely stacked on shelves could risk them getting mixed up with other closet items, and we don’t want what’s irreplaceable to go to charity.
4. The Sky’s The Limit. If your closet has a high ceiling, consider adding an additional shelf for storage overhead. On it, you can store the items you use infrequently, such as your treasure chest or seasonal accessories. Once you reorganize the high stacks on one shelf into smaller stacks on two separate shelves, the whole closet may take on a more organized look.
5. Size Things Up. Don’t you love how adult clothing stores make it so easy for you to quickly find your size? Do the same for your baby’s closet, especially during those early months and years when your baby has a broad selection of clothes to grow into. Use closet dividers to help you quickly find the right size clothing, from 0 to 3 months, 3 to 6 months, and so on. It will help you more quickly find what you need and give you a visual sense of organization.