The Importance of Healthy Eating & Exercising
Being on-the-go doesn’t mean your eating habits have to suffer. With a little preparation and mindfulness, around-the-clock healthy eating and snacking is easy. Of course you want your baby to lead a healthy lifestyle, so be a role model and eat wholesome food choices in front of her. Start by following these guidelines to get you on the right track.
- Keep healthy snacks within reach. Stash a bag of snacks such as carrots, granola or dried fruit in your purse or in baby’s diaper bag. These treats will keep you energized and away from a quick-fix unhealthy substitute.
- The Organic alternative. Choosing to use organic foods supports the efforts of growing in a healthy farming environment without the use of pesticides or synthetic fertilizers and helps leave the planet in better condition for future generations.
- Healthy fast food alternatives. If you don’t have time to cook and need to swing through a fast food restaurant, there are still healthy options on most fast food menus. Choose a salad or grilled chicken sandwich with a side of apple slices instead of the greasy burger and fries.
- Keep active and exercise. Keeping fit is important for a healthy lifestyle, so plan on taking time to exercise for your self and with baby.